A new concept for pitch training for academic scientific researchers


How do we at Karolinska Institutet (KI) engage and train our most skilled principal investigators (PI’s) in scientific communication? How do we train them to communicate their research in an inspiring way to gain interest from potential funding agencies and collaborators?

At KI, we have developed a concept for grant proposal pitch training for our research community. Our crash course into communication is designed to help PI’s present their research proposals in a convincing way, but also to develop their own personal brand as prominent scientific leaders. This course is targeted to support KI researchers who apply for funding from national and international funding agencies such as European Research Council. Today, it is increasingly more common for funding agencies to request personal interviews with applicants as a key step in their evaluation process for funding decision. In our pitch training concept, we teach the scientist to speak for themselves, rather than letting the science (and their PowerPoint!) speak for them. The course includes (video/peer interview??) training to make the scientist most prepared for the interview situation.

Come listen to this circus session on communication training concept for KI researchers and share your best practice, methods, and ideas on how we can encourage the most skilled scientists to reach out and improve their abilities.


Speaker: Jill Jönsson
Acting Head of Internal Communications at Karolinska Institutet


Jill is currently the Acting Head of Internal Communications at Karolinska Institutet, a unit responsible for coordination of internal communication and KI news service. Jill has a long standing interest for science communication and, for nearly 10 years, has trained scientists at all levels how to popularize their science. Her mission is to help scientists simplify complex research concepts so they are understandable and useful for society.

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