Branding abroad: Building international alumni relations at small Nordic universities


How does a prestigious, yet comparatively small Nordic university increase its world presence? How can we recruit more talented students and researchers from the global pool? How should a successful international alumni relations program support these goals?
Branding internationally is even more important for the Nordic universities now after study fees have been implemented for students coming from outside of the EU.

In this workshop, you will have an opportunity to hear 2 different approaches to building an international presence.



Megan Osler, Head of Alumni Relations, Karolinska Institutet


After 10 years as a biomedical researcher at Karolinska Institutet (KI), Megan began a new career direction in 2016 within the higher education sector in alumni relations. Megan’s personal experience and knowledge of the KI community and international research network provides an unconventional, yet strong qualification for alumni relations work at KI. To support KI’s current focus on globalization, Megan has started to build the infrastructure to develop and advance the international alumni relations.

Follow Megan on Twitter
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lund-erik002_size_190x250Erik Lund, Head of Corporate Relations and Career Services, Hanken School of Economics

With over 10 years background in managing career services at both universities and ministries, Erik is today Head of Corporate Relations and Career Services, a position he has held since March 2016. Erik has a MA degree in public administration and political science and a passion for creating solutions for an open collaborative culture for engagement with alumni, students and corporations.