Student communication: Mobile app and channel strategy


Working with student communication in a large organization, such as University of Copenhagen (UCPH) with more than 38.000 students, is very much about organizing and coordinating: A lot of people at different levels with very different goals and agendas need to work together to solve the task.

A new channel for student communication was launched august 2015: myUCPH, a mobile app for students containing relevant information in pocket-sized format. The idea was to help the students that experience ‘information overload’ and at the same time feel they have to search out too much information themselves. The app should (only) deliver the most important information directly to the students mobile. However this proved difficult because systems, guidelines and practices within student communication were very diverse across the university. Today UCPH are currently developing joint guidelines for channel selection when we communicate to students to ensure that we communicate the same way using the right channels.

In this session you will learn about the channels at University of Copenhagen and about the developing and using of a mobile app to communicate with students. After the talk we will share experiences, challenges and ideas within communication, channel strategy and digital solutions.



Marie Stampe Lysgaard, Academic Officer, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen


On The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Lyssgaard is working on how to ensure a better cooperation on communication with the students. Key questions are: Which channels do we use? Who performs quality assurance on content? Who performs quality assurance on the usability? How to coordinate the collaboration and ensure relevant communication for the students at the right time?

Part of her work also includes working to quality guarantee the contents of UCPH app in the best possible way. Lysgaard has a MSc in Educational Studies and Social Sciences, Roskilde University (2010) and a Bachelor in Educational Studies (2007)-

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Signe Lehrmann, Project manager and app product owner, Communication, University of Copenhagen


Lehrmann is a project manager within digital communication and usability. The last couple of years she has been SCRUM product owner for the mobile app, myUCPH. They started developing the app in 2014 and Lehrmann has worked with user needs and strategy, project management and SCRUM, specification of requirements and user stories, corporation with programmers, user testing, design, support etc. She also work with project management and front end solutions for the external web,

Lehrmann is educated within IT project management, usability and design with a MSc in Digital Design and Communication, IT University of Copenhagen (2013) and a Bachelor in Media Production and Management, Danish School of Media and Journalism (2010), Multimedia designer, KEA, Copenhagen School of Design and Technology (2007).

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