Who do you think you are?
Identity stories in the face of mergers


We are witnessing  wave of mergers within higher education. Mergers challenge the identities of the institutions and the people within them and trigger stories about “who we are” and “who we will become”. We look into research on some typical stories that emerge among employees during mergers and how managers (and communication people) can influence such stories.


Keynote speaker:
Inger Stensaker, Professor at NHH Norwegian School of Economics

ingerstensakerInger Stensaker is Professor in Strategic Change at NHH Norwegian School of Economics and Dean of NHH Executive Programs. Her research interests are within the area of strategy implementation, strategic change processes, organizational change capacity and qualitative process studies. She has extensive experience leading collaborative and cross-disciplinary research projects and strongly believes in developing close academic-practitioner relationships.

Inger Stensaker on Twitter: @ingerstensaker