How to use stories in communicating climate change
Why does the saga of Eric the Red give insight to climate history and the future of our oceans? Do you know the story of how emperors recordings of the yearly blossom of the cherry trees in Kyoto proves global warming?
Ellen and Kikki are both affiliated with the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research at University of Bergen. They have both over several years communicated climate to various stakeholders including schools, politicians, industry and NGO’s.
How do they as researchers think about dissemination of climate, how do they reach the public and what are their experiences.
Kikki Flesche Kleiven, Associate Professor, Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
As a marinegeologist and expert in paleoceanography, which is is the study of the history of the oceans in the geologic past, Kikki use deep-sea sediments as archives of past changes in Earth climate and ocean circulation over a wide range of timescales, from the last centuries to millions of years. For almost a decade Kikki has worked with the Norwegian ministry of climate and environment and the Norwegian Environment Agency arranging and giving popular lecture campaigns on climate and environment to Norwegian high-school teachers, pupils, and teaching colleges. She is also frequently used as a climate expert in media, for NGO’s, industry and business companies. Kikki has led and participated in several international scientific expeditions in the Arctic and Antarctic oceans and is Norway’s national representative on the European Marine Board and to the International Ocean Discovery Program. She is also on the board of the Norwegian Climate Foundation.
Ellen Viste, communication adviser, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Ellen’s background is as a meteorologist and climate researcher. Her main scientific interest is the rain, preferably in other parts of the world than Bergen. She has contributed to several popular science books about weather and climate and is always on the lookout for good weather stories.